
Showing posts from January, 2023


In mr mr. Rease’s class today we went over a poem from Emily Dickinson. The poem was called “I’m nobody! Who are you?” The poem was pretty confusing but the point of it was to say that being a somebody isn’t important and you should always strive to be a nobody. I kinda liked it but I don’t really read poems so I didnt really care for it.


 Today in class we went over unpopular opinions. My unpopular opinion was “kids aren’t that great as people make them out to be.” I sorta agree with this because I hate kids and probably won’t have any, but I have little cousins who aren’t that bad and be really funny sometimes.
 Mr rease wasnt here so we did bookwork


 Today was successful in all my periods but in mr. rease class today we learned how to properly write a essay. we finished our cluster that we made on the previous day and we even did a little small activity. We used our cluster to make a small essay and despite me not finishing I thought did good. Also I are essay was about applying for a job which I honestly find helpful because I still don't have a job...


Today is friday and like every other friday it was fun. We did a activity today in which we made our on cluster about a topic we found "overrated." Everybody had a controversial topic   and so did I. I said that k-pop was overrated. I have nothing against the idols themselves, but the fandoms, beat, and just music overall are not me. Dont get me wrong some k-pop sons are pretty good actually but i feel like the majority of them are bad, not to mention the fact that k-pop was "inspired" by black people, even though really they just stole from them without crediting them.
 Today we learned more about ethos, logos, and pathos. After that learned about guns and how most teens today are using them and what makes me sad is that mostly black teens are using them.We wrote a short paragraph on ways we could stop this because a lot of teens are dying today because of guns.

My cluster


Overrated cluster



Was absent this day. 

blog !

 Mr rease wasnt feeling well so we just did book work.


My head was hurting, so I didnt really know what was going on but we took notes about arguments. We also reviewed ethos pathos and logos and did some work about it. 


 Today we took our test on the past poetries we read. I think it was fairly easy I and I definitely got an 70+.I was kinda nervous about there being a writing portion but thankfully it was not. I was suprisingly a little more active in class today despite me being tired and a little upset about something that happened early. After our test we learned how to make a "cluster"

The Last 3 Minutes

 I think the purpose of life consist central motivating aims of your life and evolving. Shaping your goals and to create meaning. The reason you to wake up in the morning is to experience the ups and down of life while also learning from those decisions. To not only make yourself better, but to shape other people and your surroundings to be great also.

Blog Jan 12

  Today´s lesson was kinda boring. Not only that but my stomach was hurting the entire period because I was hungry but i still managed to do my work. We watched a short video about life and then we went over poem annotations. 


 Didnt come to school (absent).

The Best Advice

 The best advice my mother has gave me is do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This basically means to treat others the way you want to be treated and you will have good karma. She gave me this advice because it was a quote from the bible and she was super religious at the moment. Ive always been a nice person, so this advice only made me more cautious with what i say because people could take it the wrong way. Im grateful with all the things she told me, but this one reaches out to me because that advice made me into the person I am today and it gave me more friends and opportunities.

January 9th Blog

 Today lesson was pretty fun actually. We played a kahoot and wrote a small summary about this short film. The day was long and tipid after that because we had to take notes in 3rd period. Lucnh was fine, I ended up falling asleep in 3rd block, which I needed, and by the time i woke up it was time to leave 3rd block.

The Elevator short Film Response

I thought the film was pretty funny. I liked when the man didn’t wanna be on the elevator with fat people so he got off but this decision comes back and bites him because he ended up being on an elevator with sick people. The theme would be don’t judge somebody by how they look because he did and ended up getting sick.

Post Introduction.

      I plan to work in the medical field to become an anesthesiologist after college, but I also like drawing and painting so I might also wanna become an animator or graphic artist. My hobbies are playing games, being on my phone, and playing with my 2 dogs, coco and zero. I like a lot of female artist so I would have to say SZA, rihanna and doja cat. I also like to listen to rock music especially when i´m by myself 3 interesting facts about me is that im fairly decent at strategizing, I can type pretty fast, and I have a fast metabolism My favorite food is fried shrimp I want to visit basically anywhere outside the U.S. to learn more about different cultures, especially egypt because their food looks amazing.