
Showing posts from February, 2023




 Today Mr rease wasn’t here, but we worked on this short narrative about video game addiction. Turns out American youths are said to be more addicted to video games than any other countries. I’m not surprised considering it’s America, but it’s still kinda sad. It even talked about how video games can affect youths drastically which I could kinda believe. Overall the narrative was alright, but definitely something I won’t remember.


This blog is kinda contradicting because we’re suppose to talk about how we deserve a free day even though we’re doing work right now. I don’t really care if we do work or not I honestly wanna do it now so we won’t be behind and have to do tons of stuff on Monday. If we did have a free day though I would be able to work on other assignments. This class does deserve it though because we not bad kids who are always up and yelling and we do our work.


 For black history month, today we learned about successful black people. Not surprisingly, only 1/5 of black Americans are successful which is a shame. Atlanta has most of the successful black people in America and are the most successful people in America not just the most successful black people in America. We watched a video and we took notes about black excellence and entrepreneurs.


 Today in class we worked in new vocabulary. We wrote sentences and did exercises. It was pretty chill and quiet so I just did my work. I did learn some vocabulary but I’m probably not gonna use them.


 Today we took a test about Emily Dickinson. The multiple choice was pretty easy but the writing portions were pretty complicated. I think I did pretty good on the test and after I was done I started playing on my phone.


Today in Mr rease class we had to do this pretty long assignment. It was on illuminate and we had to analyze Emily Dickinsons quotes. We worked independently, but I did ask for some help on some because Emily’s poems are hard to understand.


Today we presented our one pagers about Emily Dickinson poems. I didn’t do mine unfortunately..but I enjoyed watching everybody else present honestly.


 Was absent.


 Today we did a test on an our vocabulary in Mr rease class. It was 15 questions and it was pretty easy. After that we finished annotating our poems and we worked on our 1 pager.


 I wasn’t here for half of the period because of counseling, but when I came in we work on a poem in a group. We had to annotate what it meant and later gonna do a project about it.


 Today we went over another poem about Emily Dickinson again. If I honestly had to read poems she would not be my first guess because I don’t relate to them at all and there are hard to dialate. Today though the poem we went over called “there’s a funeral in my brain”. Was lowkey kinda good. I felt like Mr rease took the poem a little more literally instead of metaphorically like I did, but we will never know the true meaning because the artist is passed.